With GAIA card, you can pay with cryptos anytime, anywhere. You can also check your crypto transactions and payments real-time.
GAIA Token is the unique cryptocurrency of GAIA platform, which maintains the GAIA ecosystem, playing a role in providing various benefits and functions within GAIA platform.
GAIA card is prepaid card. In general, prepaid card is similar to debit card. The difference is that debit cards are linked to your bank account, while prepaid cards need to be topped up. For GAIA cards, you can top up using bank transfer, other credit/debit cards, or cryptocurrencies.
You can apply for a GAIA card through Exflow. In the near future, GAIA website will provide card application service.
You must be minimum 18 years of age and not from service-excluded countries. Plus, For identity verification, KYC/PoA check is needed.
You can top-up GAIA card through Exflow.